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The organization represents an entity (company, association, group, etc.). It is this entity that will be charged for using based on the number of members.

You can be a member of more than one organization. The organizations you are a member of are listed here:

To create an organization, go to the organizations screen:


From the organization parameters screen Organization>Parameters, you can adjust various settings.

Definition of done

You can define in text form what is meant by "done" for your entire organization. This definition can then be overwritten by product.

This text is then displayed on the kanban so that the members are aware of its definition and when they complete a backlog item, they check whether its status corresponds to this definition.


You can modify your subscription and view the number of users and guests used and available.

git checkout template

If you use git, you can define the general template for the git checkout command. This template can be overloaded by product. This will enable you to copy the command from each item in the backlog.