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Jira project import

As "Organization Manager", you can import an Atlassian Jira project as a product.

Create a Personal Access Token in Jira

To import a Jira project, you'll need a Jira Personal Access Token. Please refer to the Jira documentation:

The import will be executed with your Jira access, so make sure you have full read permissions on the project you want to import.

Import a project

Go to your organization's product list (Home / Your organization / Products) and click on the "Import products" button.

You'll need to enter the Jira URL, your user ID and a Personal Access Token.

Once you've entered your login details, click on the "Upload products" button. will display a list of all Jira projects to which you have access. You can import the projects and define the name, prefix and mode of the product to be created.

What's imported

  • Epics
  • Versions
  • All backlog item with :
    • Title and description
    • Item Type (if a type with the same name matches, otherwise a new item type is created)
    • Parent backlog item
    • Reference (with new prefix if modified)
    • Status ("Closed" if statusCategory=done, "Backlog" otherwise)
    • Assignee and reporter (if a member of the organization with the same name or email address exists)
    • Estimates (in points and hours)
    • Business value
    • Labels
    • Epic
    • Affected versions
    • Fix versions
    • Comments
    • Attachments